Sports Talk: Extending Yourself

Athletes train often and very hard. And non-athletes may ask, “What's it all for?”

Sports contributes to a person's overall wellness and development, and not just to a healthy body. Competition and teamwork can make a person more complete and well-adjusted.

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Some think that athletes need to focus all their attention on just their sport, but those in the know realized long ago that that could not be so. Not only because when an athletic career is over, the athlete must find a job just like everyone else, but also because there are some very real benefits to having a true dual career. So, instead of athletes just living the jock lifestyle, they can buckle down to real work in two different worlds.

A U.K. study examined how being both an athlete and a student develops transferable skills like planning, goal-setting, working with a team, making commitments, being a leader, and prioritizing tasks make for a more complete and successful person.

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We can even talk about much more basic things. How about honesty, fair play, respect for others, and adherence to rules? One good thing to add is how as early as they were children, athletes realize how they are a part of a community and that a fellow competitor is not necessarily an enemy but a kindred spirit.

There's really even much more to this. Read more sports insights on this blog. Michael Briese here, signing off for now.


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