The Health Benefits of Fishing

Fishing is often viewed as an activity that’s only good for old men or young boys. However, sport fishing has proven to be a hobby that is taken up by many very serious sportsmen. As an ordinary hobby, it does have a lot of health benefits too.

Being out in the ocean to take in the sea breeze is certainly good for one’s respiratory system. There is a certain freshness that the ocean spray brings, simply because the surrounding air in the sea is free of any pollution.

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Being exposed to sunlight from time to time is good for the skin because sunlight is the most abundant source of vitamin E available. Just the right amount of sunlight makes the skin age slower because it allows blood to flow evenly throughout the outermost layer.

Fishing has also proven to have a calming effect on the mind. A person can greatly reduce stress just by sitting idly and waiting for the fish to bite. It becomes even better with each catch because such gratification can release a significant amount of endorphins, which gives one a natural high.

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Fishing is an activity which does not get its fair share of attention because most people fall short of looking at the health benefits that come with it. When taken seriously, fishing can truly uplift one’s own well-being and add years to his life.

My name is Michael Briese. I’m 20 years old and currently taking up Interdisciplinary Studies at UC Berkeley. I wish to enter the world of sports media by blogging. For more interesting sports stories, visit this blog.


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