Why College Football Is More Competitive Than The NFL

I love football. Though I’m not a varsity for my university, I love playing it. I like to think that I’m good at it. I love watching it and write about it. The NFL season is just right around the corner, and you can already feel everyone’s excitement. As excited as I am with the start of the NFL season, there’s something I am more excited about: College football.

Image source : turner.ncaa.com
College football is more exciting mainly because it’s more competitive than the NFL. Here are reasons why:

College football players play aren’t paid … yet.

Not yet at least. But as long as these college players aren’t getting paid, we know why they play: they play for honor, for glory, for wins. Don’t get me wrong, NFL players are there because they are great players in the first place. But you can’t take out the fact that there paid to play great.

The fans

Because they bleed for their schools and every time they come to a game, their sole purpose is to distract the opponent so their teams have all the advantage they can have to win. These fans will scream their heart out, and if you’re the visiting team, you’d want to get out of there as soon as the game is over.

Image source : si.com
College football spends less time talking about stupid things

But it doesn’t mean that there aren’t dumb things being talked about when it comes to college football. But it doesn’t come close to what the media and people talk about the NFL. I mean, the NFL spent months talking about deflated footballs and who deflated the footballs? Do deflated footballs really have an impact in the game? Was Tom Brady acting alone? Should Tom Brady go to prison? But after all these talks, nothing came out of it.

Hi, my name’s Michael Briese, a college student from UC Berkley. Growing up in the Bay Area means cheering for the 49ers. Visit my blog for all things sports.


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